Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween scarecrow

The store where I work usually has a Fall Harvest (Halloween) Festival, and I'm usually elected to do the Face-Painting table (I LOVE it!!) I decided to dress as a scarecrow this year, because it's much more kid-friendly (AND comfortable!!) I wanted to wear festive Autumn earrings, so I went through different beads and things. I came across some plastic Autumn floral picks normally used for plastic flower centerpieces and decorations. A couple of them had little scarecrows on them, so I pulled them off the picks.

I poked holes in the tips of their hats with a needle, and glued in a wire with a loop at the top. I attached them to antique-copper earring posts, and wore them to work! They're big, but VERY lightweight--and cute. ^_~

+Anima Senri cosplay

I'm cosplaying as Senri from the Natsumi Mukai manga series "+Anima" for a couple of conventions. The one main challenge of this cosplay was the hand and claws for the Bear Arm.
The hand was made using a thin cotton glove dyed fuschia. It didn't come out dark enough, so I went over the entire glove with a darker fuschia marker. For the knuckles, I glued on fingertips cut from the other glove. After stuffing a wadded plastic bag inside the glove to prevent sticking, I mixed Barn Red Scribbles Fabric Paint with a small amount of Scribbles Winter White, and brushed on a light coat all over the glove. I filled in the gaps around the knuckles, and pull out tendon lines with a paintbrush.
I made the claws using the leftover flexible garden-border material that I used to make Barry the Chopper's collar and cleavers. I cut triangular pieces, and bent them firmly in half. I cut triangular pieces if black vinyl, and glued two edges to the undersides of the claws, leaving the backs open for the glove's fingertips. After they dried, I glued them to the fingertips of the glove.
The beauty of this project is that Scribbles come in many different colors and finishes. It wouldn't be a stretch to make a cool mask with this stuff. Hmm...